Life has guided you here
for a sacred reason.
a heart-centered life is
nothing short of
heaven on earth.
I speak from direct experience of mine and many.
Sara Byram
“Raahul taught me how to see beyond the world of appearances & see God within. his guidance helped me open up & purify my vessel to receive the infinite stream of love & blessings that is always flowing to us & through us.”
So something is calling you to take on this journey of inner alchemy with me
and you wonder:
what can i expect?
Nervous system regulation
Subconsciousness reprogramming.
Developing a energy-release optimized sacred morning routine.
Inner-child lighting & meditations.
Expansive and Contractive Meditation practices.
Powerful breath-work based on advanced pranayama techniques.
High vibrational diet-plan.
Family constellations exploration.
Relationship alignment.
Guided shadow work.
Learning to become your own clear channel of higher self.
Quantum energetic shifts.
And that is just scratching the surface. My method is unorthodox, intense yet grounded.
Due to an active kundalini, The sessions have an element of spontaneity that goes beyond words. it all adds to the magic.
My mentorship containers usually revolve around four key themes.
to all four… we bring consciousness.
Theme #1
healthy Relationships
Here is what’s covered…
Cultivating intimacy in existing relationships. Manifesting a Sacred-Union. Conflict management. Heart centered connections.
Heart chakra aligning. Healthy boundary setting. Conscious communication. Exploration of divine masculine and divine feminine energy dynamics. Transcending energetic damage from emotional pain and past relationship
And optional couples-mentorship.
Theme #2
heart chakra activation
Here is what’s covered…
Inner child work. Cognitive reframing with a spiritual angle. Energy realignment via effective release mechanisms.
Heart, throat, sacral, SP and root chakra healing (holistic). Bringing in divine love to shine light to darkest parts of subconsciousness.
*Disclaimer: this work does not serve as a substitute for professional trauma therapy from a licensed therapist. It is simply an alternative holistic approach, more of an add-on. Seek professional therapy as your primary means of addressing trauma.
Theme #3
abundance mindset
Here is what’s covered…
Redefining relationship with abundance. Goes beyond just money. Abundance of love, wealth, self acceptance, good health, God.
Note: I do not encourage manifestation practices or unconscious manipulation of karma.
Solar plexus chakra healing. Shame and guilt release. Setting high-vibrational habits and lifestyle overhaul. Releasing ancestral blockages related to abundance.
Theme #4
unlocking your purpose
Here is what’s covered…
Tapping into your soul’s blueprint for your life.
Shifting Timelines. Connecting with Higher Self. Re-evaluating major career and life choices. Uncovering your Dharma and creating a plan to fulfill it.
Third eye and solar plexus alignment. Exploring your gifts and deepest desires through soulful inner-work and higher-self meditations. Embodiment practices. Intuition development.
Students say…
“Because of Raahul’s guidance, I am that much more closer to myself and God.”
-Kristine Pham
Working with Raahul was one of the most changing, inspiring moments of my life.
-Stephan Moravski
The way that I feel now versus before… it almost feels like a different person.
-Stephanie Harper
By the end of the our time spent… you will feel
totally in tune with your higher self and Absolute flow on the divine river of life through deep knowing of thyself.
How we go about this.
8 - 20 weeks of 1-1 coaching
Weekly 90-120 minute, 1-on-1 sessions
Voice message access twice a week between sessions
Access to a Spiritual Guide E-book that covers all sacred knowledge you need on your spiritual journey
Recordings of all sessions
Recorded meditation audios and many more key resources
lets talk price. i know, its been on your mind.
I consider the work I do with my clients sacred, since it is purely heart-centered. When honored with a committed and respectful approach, it has potent, life-changing effects.
You are investing in that for yourself here, which needs to always come first.
Remember, money here is simply an energetic exchange. When receiving work of this nature for a cost thats not appropriate, there can be karmic imbalances on both sides.
Here are all the details related to pricing:
Dynamic pricing: investment ranges between $3,333 - $8,888 USD depending on various factors such as scope of work, depth of trauma, potential amount of weeks (minimum 8, max 20), optional couples therapy and much more. If your application is accepted, we will discuss and come to an agreement on a fair price on the discovery call. (Note: price is subject to increase over time with increasing demand, so apply now to lock in the current prices)
Payment plans that run the course of the duration of the time we work (8 weeks, 20 weeks etc.)
Supporting those unable to afford: My heart’s intention is to help everyone. Aside from the free resources such as my Free e-Book and videos, I really want to help those in need but are in a less-privileged position financially. If someone reaches out to me in-person with deep sincerity and are financially struggling, I would want to help such a person. 1 spot open every 3 months offering a 90% discount for someone who is extremely sincere yet unable to afford the listed prices.
Group programs + workshops for those who are unable to afford, but are looking for something in a lower price range. Stay tuned for updates by subscribing to my mailing list below.