“a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.”
- james keller.
God has provided me the light to shine over 80 beings into their light since 2021 in a 1-1 capacity.
Here is what they have to say about the work we did…
Sara Byram
Before I started working with Raahul, I unknowingly had no understanding of how to connect with God. I was just going through life calling myself spiritual & just hoping that if I find that one spiritual teacher that will just make everything “click,” I would somehow just up-level to a state of consciousness that would allow me to receive messages from God giving me a sense of direction, purpose, & transcendence over my trauma. Little did I know, this way of life was the very thing keeping me in a perpetual state of suffering, thinking that something outside of me would be the answer to my problems.
After journeying with Raahul for 8 weeks, I came out a completely different person with a more authentic way of being & perspective on life. Raahul taught me how to see beyond the world of appearances & see God within. He taught me how to open up & purify my vessel to receive the infinite stream of love & blessings that is always flowing to us & through us.
The biggest challenge before working with Raahul was learning how to get out of my own way. I was living in a state of perpetual enabling of my own suffering by seeking externals for validation & salvation. My biggest win after working with Raahul was a fresh set of eyes that came with a higher level of consciousness that now allows me to tap into my own salvation within.
I chose to work with Raahul because his level of authenticity & connection to spirit stood out from any spiritual content creator I have seen. I felt a sense of magnetism & connection to Raahul at a soul level, it almost felt like it was fated or destined that I connect with him as I felt that it would breed some type of transformation or life-changing experience.
The process in working with Raahul was very dynamic & progressive. At the beginning of the journey, it was very exciting, expansive, & jolting where Raahul shook up the foundation of my consciousness to bring my misbeliefs I had to the surface to be seen & dissolved. The middle of the journey was the most challenging & tested my commitment & faith in facing my subconscious programming including my deepest traumas, pains, & fears. However, Raahul maintained a consistent supportive & safe container for me where he was there for me every step of the way through it all cheering me on & encouraging me to be strong through facing the dark so that I could come out with the gifts I cultivated of grit, strength, wisdom, & grace.
For anyone interested in working with Raahul, I would say that if you are truly ready to change your life, your perspective, & your overall being, you will need to come with a level of commitment & full faith & trust that Raahul will help you get there by teaching you how to be your own guru & provide you with tools to continue to do so throughout your life. This journey is not for the faint of heart, however, it is well worth it as you will finish with more authenticity, purpose, direction, faith, & connection with spirit.
Kristine pham
In our 8 weeks together, Kristine…
was able to quit alcohol and coffee completely, cold-turkey
learned to practice authentic communication, boundary setting and stepping into her power (throat and solar plexus chakra work)
tapped into her inner child and resolve trauma & wounds related to parents, sibling and school
grounded her self-image in her soul’s truth rather than stories stemming from trauma and toxic social programming
found ways to begin aligning into a career/life-path that is deeper with her soul blueprint, her purpose
tuned into her feelings and quieten the disempowering voices in her head
Stephanie Harper
In our 8 weeks together, Stephanie…
aligned her heart chakra after years of blockage by connection to her inner divine feminine & healing her relationship with the masculine, beginning with her family - especially father - through inner child work and conscious relationship mending
released wounds that caused intimacy issues in romantic relationships for many years, thus opening herself to the universe bringing in her divine partner in due time
restored healthy relationships with siblings by let go of anger and fear that was held within since childhood
sharpened her intuition by accessing deep wisdom within about herself and life through the superconsciousness connection tools provided in the container
cultivated spiritual practices that would serve her for the rest of her life in terms of daily energetic alignment
Stephan Moravski
Niti Ram
I truly believe meeting Raahul and having him as my spiritual coach was meant to be. Our healing container was filled with deep emotional release, heart and throat chakra work, tapping into my inner child and discovering my higher purpose in life.
By working with Raahul, I am beginning to overcome one of my deepest shadows which was trusting & being vulnerable with the masculine energy.
I am also able to navigate through my insecurities & how to develop being able to value my own voice again.
Through our work going deep into patterns, I am able to navigate through the process in a safe space. I have gained tools processing through subconscious patterns and old mentality.
With the non-doing meditation & learning how to sit with my insecurities & false beliefs, I have begun unraveling old thoughts & finding ways to sit & release them from my subconscious. I have also found tools to connect to my higher self & how to intentionally create a future my spirit desires.
Working with Raahul has changed my life & I truly believe if you are interested in energy & shadow work, your life will become more lighter & clearer than ever before working 1:1 with Raahul.